Guvenlik testleri icin kullanılan en populer araclari iceren Bactrack Linux’un 3.0 surumu cikti. bu surumde dikkatimi ceken iki yeni uygulama var: Maltego ve Saint security scanner.
Nessus, lisans anlasmazligi yuzunden sistemden kaldirilmis, Nessus 3’u kurmak isteyenler icin forumlarda detayli bilgi bulunabilir. Ek olarak wireless key cracking isini tek tusa indirgeyecek cesitli yazilimlar eklenmis.
From: Max Moser <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 10:41 AM
Subject: BackTrack 3 Final has been released
To: [email protected]
BackTrack 3 Final – Release Information
Released yesterday exclusively on
Muts, Martin and I have slaved for weeks and months, together with the
help of many remote-exploit’ers to bring you this fine release. As
usual, this version overshadows the previous ones with extra cool
SAINT has provided BackTrack users with a functional version of SAINT,
pending a free request for an IP range license through the SAINT
website, valid for 1 year.
The guys over at Paterva have created a special version of Maltego
v2.0 with a community license especially for BackTrack users. We would
like to thank Paterva for co-operating with us and allowing us to
feature this amazing tool in BackTrack.
Tenable would not allow for redistribution of Nessus on BackTrack 3.
Kernel Yes, yes, stop whining….We had serious deliberations
concerning the BT3 kernel. We decided not to upgrade to a newer kernel
as wireless injection patches were not fully tested and verified. We
did not want to jeopardize the awesome wireless capabilities of BT3
for the sake of sexiness or slightly increased hardware
compatibilities. All relevant security patches have been applied.
As usual, updated, sharpened, SVN’ed and armed to the teeth. This
release we have some special features such as spoonwep, fastrack and
other cool additions.
For the first time we distribute three different version of Backtrack 3
– CD version
– USB version
– VMWare version
BackTrack 3 final download page is here:
Final Requests
We request the community to not mirror or torrent this release, or
otherwise distribute it online without our knowledge.
We are trying to gather statistics about bt3 downloads. If you would
like to mirror BT3 then please:
1) Think again! Traffic generated by BT3 downloads is CRAZY.
2) Please contact us before doing so.
3) Send us monthly statistics of downloads for the iso.
If you would like to add a link to BackTrack downloads to your
website, please use: as the download link.
Problems, fixes, bugs, opinions – should all end up in our Remote
Exploit community forums, and our wiki:
Over and out,
Max, Muts, MjM
Indirmek icin>